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Tuesday, 09:48Day 28/04/2015
My work involves graphics, then use laser or optical mouse mouse. Advantages and disadvantages of what are they? Usually I see the laser mouse is priced quite high but there are some pretty low price model, whether or not of inferior quality? How to recognize and optical mouse laser mouse for under their surface are reading the same eye?
Tuesday, 09:48Day 28/04/2015
I just bought one MP4 Player Gemei (apparently originating in China). According to advertising and with one form of files stored in the machine, the playback of FLV. However I copy movies to the format of the files to be played there (if load out Youtube), multiple file does not (load out of other video sharing sites). Please provide reasons.
Tuesday, 09:49Day 28/04/2015
I'm using Windows 7 Premium, using percussion Vietkey 2007, but not type in Vietnamese in Firefox 3.6.3 (the first consonant lost after typing accented vowels). In Internet Explorer 8 is not type accent marks (whether chosen UTF-8). Please guide.
Tuesday, 09:49Day 28/04/2015
To record home movies I contemplated buying a handheld video camera (Handycam). But the market had plenty of variety and use of memory such as memory cards, hard drives mounted in, even burn DVDs directly. So how should I choose?
Tuesday, 09:49Day 28/04/2015
With the demand for language learning, I need to buy an electronic dictionary. I saw kind of a touch screen, so please ask it what the advantages and disadvantages compared with normal screens? What new demands require this type of product?
Tuesday, 09:49Day 28/04/2015
I am studying graphic and vocational instruction to draw comics. With that demand, a digitizer can be very necessary . However , refer to the drawing board common products sold in supermarkets , the computer seems to us too simple , failing to meet the purpose I needed. Hop Thanh Thinh can give specific information on the drawing board so I was not ?
Tuesday, 09:49Day 28/04/2015
My office or printed copy document, written quite a lot. Clearly office laser printer does not currently meet. We have planned copier equipment should buy or lease new machine to reduce investment costs?
Tuesday, 15:17Day 28/04/2015
I recently purchased an HD Box Player and Full-HD LCD screen. The time was just wondering should choose 5.1 or 7.1 speaker systems to have the best sound? Recently I also see Sony have both relatively new 7.2 sound system.
Tuesday, 09:49Day 28/04/2015
I unzip the downloaded file from the Internet, but in the process of implementation error file name should not exceed 256 characters are saved file. Please to ask why and how to fix?
Tuesday, 09:50Day 28/04/2015
The new office opened about 10 employees, plans to equip each with a computer. Refer to see many places there where employees spend a laptop, where spending All-in-One machine Hop Thanh Thinh can ... specific advice or not?